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How can I import my GSDML File into project?

  • lorenzop - 2022-07-07

    I have to import this GSDML file into my project. How can I do it?

    I'll attach it down here if yuo have to try.
    Let me know the procedure. Thanks

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-07-07

    ...just inst this GSDML to the device reporsitory!
    Then scan or add it in the device tree.

    • lorenzop - 2022-07-07

      It gives me this error

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-07-07

    which version is this exactly.
    If current, is it possible that you are missing the Profinet package?
    Check this in CODESYS installer ( if you are >= 3.5SP17 version)

    • lorenzop - 2022-07-07

      I'm 3.5 SP17, i think i have profinet package because I use Siemens g120c inverters in profinet, but if i miss this package how i recover it?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-07-07

    then just select the right converter..eitger gsdml..or none.
    Seems you have selected Ethercat according your screeshot.
    (file extension on import dialog)


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-07-07
  • benieur - 2023-01-27

    In the device repository, you have to select before the profinet IO Slave. And it will be ok.


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