I would like to connect to a servo-drive through EoE protocol using it Software tool
and Codesys; but I don't see how to do it and I didn't find it in the Codesys help.
NB:The drive is Digitax_HD and the software is CONNECT.
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Thanks for the reply. But I'm using the CONNECT software to parametrize the M753 servo-drive using the Ethernet over Ethercat EoE tab of Codesys (without any code).
should work, depending on your plc (Control Win or Linux based device)
you need to setup tap device (for Linux) for Windows Loopback adapter need to be installed
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I would like to connect to a servo-drive through EoE protocol using it Software tool
and Codesys; but I don't see how to do it and I didn't find it in the Codesys help.
NB:The drive is Digitax_HD and the software is CONNECT.
Thanks for the reply. But I'm using the CONNECT software to parametrize the M753 servo-drive using the Ethernet over Ethercat EoE tab of Codesys (without any code).
which version of CODESYS and which versions of the EtherCAT libraries?
Versions of CODESYS and Ethercat Lib: V3.5.17.0.
should work, depending on your plc (Control Win or Linux based device)
you need to setup tap device (for Linux) for Windows Loopback adapter need to be installed
I'm using Control win.
How to use Loopback adapter: I tried to use it but in vain I mean no connection with The CONNECT software.
I think you should update all to SP18, there was a bugfix for Windows 10 and Control Win on EOE as I remember.
Ok I will try it and hope this will work.
Is there a way to update from SP17 to SP18 not to have two installed versions ?
I would use the CODESYS installer if you need to remove it.
Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-04-18
Great it works perfectly.

I have the same servo drive but can't find the EoE tab.
Using Codesys V3.5 SP18 Patch 2.
What have I missed?
In the General Tab "Check in" the Expert settings.
Found, Thank you!