Problem Update new version Master ethercat

3 days ago
6 hours ago
  • xabier - 3 days ago


    I have a project in Codesys...and i need update a new version of amster ehtercat and i have a problem.

    1. The origianl version with create of project was
    2. I can change version to Master Ethercat to but i canΒ΄t update the last version (I attached the screen "Version Master OK-NO OK").

    3. In the moment update to the last version appear a lot of error("Version Master NO OK")

    4. Can anyone help me please?

    Last edit: xabier 3 days ago
  • Strucc.c

    Strucc.c - 6 hours ago

    Hi, I had some issues as well migrating to the new version.

    What I have learnt:
    - Have to check all the libraries in the library manager, if they are the proper versions.
    - Some other parts of the application, maybe an old library referenced by another one can keep the old Ethercat libraries.... Use the "Placeholders" function on the library manager
    - See if there is a new version available of the slave "devices". Might just have to update them
    I had problems moving from 4.7 to with 4.8, especially with the 2nd adapter for redundancy - some devices failed to initialize properly.... So I have just downgraded those libraries now.



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