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Project size increasing continuously

  • paulpotat

    paulpotat - 2021-10-27

    I'm facing an issue with CodeSys 3.5 SP16 about the size of .project files.

    What I did :
    - Create a new empty project
    - Add a random device (here I added "CODESYS Control Win V3 x64") (Initial size : 114 KB)
    - Create 50 new empty POUs
    - Save project (New size : 149 KB)
    - Remove all previously created POUs
    - Save project & run Clean All (New size : 118 KB)

    Why doesn't the size go back to 114 KB ? Repeating this process will make my project size grow to very high values which is not desirable.

    I found this post on the forum that seems related to my issue but it never got any answers...

    Hoping someone has an explanation for this behaviour.
    Have a good day


    Last edit: paulpotat 2021-11-16
  • paulpotat

    paulpotat - 2021-11-02

    Can someone try to reproduce the issue please ?

  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2021-11-02

    Why shouldn't the project grow after mutations? Why do you think this is not desirable?

    • paulpotat

      paulpotat - 2021-11-02

      Because after removing what I added, I expected it to be actually removed. It's not actually a mutation if you go back to the initial state of the project.

      To make an analogy if I create a file on my computer and then delete it, I don't want this file to keep taking storage on my hard drive for no reason...

  • paulpotat

    paulpotat - 2023-08-23

    I still have the same problem with Codesys 3.5 SP18.
    Initially, my project is ~5 Mo. I work on it for like 3-4 days and it goes up to ~10Mo. If I make an export of the project and import it in a new empty project, it goes back to approximately 5 Mo.

    Why is it doing this ?


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