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Scan Network doesn't find computer

  • jamesdeluk - 2021-09-25

    I've just installed CODESYS and I'm following the Installation and Start PDF.

    Everything is fine until step (8) in 6.3. Scan Network isn't detecting my computer.

    Gateway is running (with gateway started), Control Sys is running (with PLC started), CodeMeter Control Center is running (if that matters).

    Wireshark is showing loopback traffic to 1217.

    I noticed the Wireshark traffic is TCP but Gateway Configuration only has Default UDP interface, but adding a TCP interface makes no difference.

    Firewall is set to allow all loopback traffic. I've also tried disabling the FW completely.

    On the Device -> Communication Settings, my computer hostname is in the device box, with Press ENTER to set active path. If I do that, it asks me to activate user management and add a username/password, and then log in with it. If I do, I get this error:

    Computer is up-to-date Windows 10. Tried CODESYS and .10.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks :)

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-09-25

    usually these problem are caused by:
    If you have in your project Control Win (32bit) and you start on your system Control Win 64. The Plc type must fit otherwise you get no scan result except you disable the filter.
    How to solve it? Update device in the device tree- select Control Win 64 - righclick on the plc in the device tree


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-09-25
    • jamesdeluk - 2021-09-25

      You are completely correct! I actually came back to comment I'd just found the solution - I hadn't chosen the x64 version. Works perfectly now!


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