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Codesys OPC server running under 2008 R2 64 bit

  • dijckwal - 2011-06-17


    we are using the Codesys OPC server v running on a W2K8 R2 SP2 64 bit.
    Now it seems we are having problems connecting to the OPC server.
    Are there know issues under W2K8 R2 that we should be aware of ?

    Can you give us some hints / tips that we can check in order to get the up and running before the 1 of Jully?

    Thank you

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2011-06-17

    I think you should start with checking the OPCserver.log file and see what messages are given.
    Then you should check where the OPCServer.ini is saved. I am not familiar with 2008 R2, but maybe you have to save the file in C:\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2011-07-05

    we have checked it with the latest V2.3 Version (CoDeSys OPC Server V2.3.13.7)
    we see no specific problem. (In a special case more on the client side there where some problems)
    But OPC Server seems to be ok on R2.


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