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Generic CiA402 dirve AL Status read from slave address 1001 status 16#1A: Synchronization error

  • kimzimmermann - 2022-01-12

    Hello at all,
    I wan't to use the raspberry pi as an sps with a maxon epos4 slave. The watchdog shows me following error. I did't found a according fault. Have you got any ideas?

    Cheers Kim

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-12

    Hi Kim,
    1.Check the jitter of the ethercat task
    2.Check if you lose frames - on ethercat master status page
    I would just add the motion task prg call to the ethercat task and eleminate the second task


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-01-12
    • kimzimmermann - 2022-01-13

      Thanks for the infos. I need to delete the enable from the digital inputs on the slave and after that it starts. But thank you Edwin.


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