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download fail

  • skytianlin - 2014-05-29

    hi FAE
    there was a problem when I downloaded the programming. the messagebox displayed as following :'download failed: not enough memory on device'. But the project I had run usually on the another PC.
    So I don't find the reason and hope to get help from the FAE. thanks!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-05-29


    check your project if retains are used.. and maybe screenshot from Messagebox & Error message would be great

  • alex87 - 2014-11-04

    Today I also have a problem like yours, because my HDD disk failed and I have to reinstall everything and Codesys. But I figured out that problem caused device description file *.devdesc of my PLC. Which is strange because I extracted the project and device description should be inside the archive... maybe is bug...

    So I made a lesson, in further i will pack everything in zip beside archived project, for sure.


  • MHU - 2014-11-05

    I had this error message before. For me, it helped to clean up the project and make a fresh download to the device.


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