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Integrating C Modules in Codesys

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-08-12

    In Linux runtimes >=4.4.x yes!
    You can use SL Extension Package, It's very easy to use following examples delivered in CODESYS!

    • DreamWorks - 2022-09-14

      Dear mondinmr,

      In Windows 10,with CodeSys V3.5.18.0(IDE)/CODESYS Installer, CODESYS Control SL Extension Package(as well as CODESYS C Code Intergration) have been installed,and I still could not find C Code Module at all(anyway).

      I am afraid that would be some addition operations to active this plugin,my question is what it is.

      Could you pls give me some advise,that will be appreciate.

      Best Wishes!


      Last edit: DreamWorks 2022-09-14

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