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raspistepper error after install

  • installwhat - 2024-04-20

    I've had issues getting the raspistepper installed, all due to errors upon installation.

    The closest I get is the pictured error. The functions are in the sm3_shared library. I can add this library but that leaves 2 issues.

    I don't actually know, and I really want to understand this, why the required dependencies haven't been installed correctly.

    If I add the library it's only available with through the namespace.

    What can I do to both understand and resolve this?


    codesys 64 - same error on other versions too
    sm3 raspi stepper


    Last edit: installwhat 2024-04-20
  • installwhat - 2024-04-20

    I'm digging into it and see that sm3_shared is nested in the library manager raspistepper->sm3_drive_poscontrol->sm3_shared

    but I get errors

  • installwhat - 2024-04-20

    Last edit: installwhat 2024-04-20
  • installwhat - 2024-04-20

    from another post on this forum
    In your library project select Project -> Project Information. On the Properties table remove the "LanguageModelAttribute" Value "Qualified Access Only".

    This will allow you to access the object without qualifying the access.

    I guess they've compiled it the library with that setting and now I need to mess around with versions.


    Last edit: installwhat 2024-04-20
  • installwhat - 2024-04-21

    to fix this I used a sp17 codesys and changed the project setting softmotion version to

    I'm not sure if I should have had such difficulties but it works now.

  • installwhat - 2024-04-21

    to fix this I used a sp17 codesys and changed the project setting softmotion version to

    I'm not sure if I should have had such difficulties but it works now.


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