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Error index was outside the bounds

  • termind - 2020-06-18

    Hi all,
    Recently I stuck on Codesys 3.5.16 error "Index was outside the bounds of the array", when try to add a new POU.
    And I found the reason of this error and how to avoid it. Hope, this will be useful for all, until next service pack released.
    For me this happens, when Devices menu field on left side of the screen was set to Auto Hide mode. During operations to add a new POU I select menu item Application, then Add Object. Usually at this moment mouse pointer goes outside Devices menu field borders and Devices menu hides. Then, when menu item POU is selected, the CODESYS error message window "Index was outside the bounds of the array" appeared. But, if Devices menu field 'pinned' (no Auto Hide selection) all goes right way.

  • rehanshams - 2022-02-08

    It did work. Same issue in 3.5.17 also.

  • mr337 - 2022-03-19

    Wow I ran into the same thing. Can't believe this is even an issue. Thanks!!

  • rpostwvu - 2023-04-11

    3.5.18 still a thing. And thanks for posting this, I could not figure out what I was missing causing this error.

  • fgarcia - 2023-04-11

    I posted about it around an year ago and still see the same issue. However, it only happens if the device tree is set to Auto Hide. If it's pinned, everything works.

  • bpbonker - 2023-09-19

    Still a problem in which is absolutely ridiculous.


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