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How to retrieve a runtime license installed twice within a single computer ?

  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-17

    We just purchased a lot of licenses, and I got stuck with the first step.
    Since it is the first install I did, I may have done some mistake.

    The issue is that, all Controller's computer's came from the the same disk image, cloned from a reference PC, and I forgot to remove the existing container, and now it appears as being 2 runtime activated at the same computer.

    How can I uninstall the 2nd license, without firing it ?
    I mean, I wanted to remove the assignment on Codesys store of the ticket that I wanted get back.

    More clearly, at the License Manager, there are 2 containers with exactly the same product details, as can be seen bellow:

    How can I solve that ?


    Last edit: alrcastro 2020-04-18
  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-17

    ...yet another question: How to remove an existing container from PC ? Once each license will be installed at PC's whose whole system were cloned from a unique template CloneZilla's file, there we can see a container which I presume should be deleted before installing/activating the just purchased license - a step that I didn't at the above mentioned case.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-04-18

    you need to contact the support via helpdesk / my question in the CODESYS Store... you need a remove ticket.
    Give us the information which two tickets you have activated.

    Using OS Images on Windows from installed ipc's , need the step
    - "removing the license container & add a new empty before you activate the license.
    We will add a description / how to - to the FAQ section.

    You need to enable the β€˜remove license button’ in codemeter.
    This you could be done by the following Registry entry:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->WIBU-SYSTEMS->CodeMeterCC AllowCmActDelete set to 1
    and then quit codemeter by right click in the tasktray and restart codemeter.exe.
    Now your 'remove license' button is enabled. ( which is to remove the whole softcontainer)

    Adding a new empty softcontainer need the steps:
    "c:\Program Files\CODESYS\Temp*3S-Smart_Software_Solutions_Softlicenses.wbb*"
    install it either my drag and drop to the leftside of the codemeter window - or just double click it. ( in case the filetype wbb is known by windows)
    In case the patch protection is broken too, after imaging, you need to remove that too ( would recommend it)
    For the patch protection you need to use:
    "c:\Program Files\CODESYS\Temp\Patch_ProtectionUpdateFile.WibuCmRaU"
    to have it back installed and working on your imaged system.



    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-04-18
  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-18

    Hi Edwin,

    It is nice to hear that this licence in particular was not lost at all, we've purchased the exact amount for the current need. And, I'm happy to know that there will be added the required steps on the online help.

    In the meantime, could you please tell me from where I need to pick the file above mentioned ?


    My 2 cents: I have been trying to follow steps on the online help regarding distinct procedures, and many suffice for our needs, but some of them do not cover in detail, so I would suggest adding Videos at least to the most critical steps. I'm new on Codesys.



    Last edit: alrcastro 2020-04-18
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-04-19

    on your CODESYS developmentsystem as already mentioned:
    c:\Program Files\CODESYS\Temp\3S-Smart_Software_Solutions_Softlicenses.wbb
    on Control standalone installation in the installirectory of Control Win.


  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-19

    on your CODESYS developmentsystem as already mentioned:
    c:\Program Files\CODESYS\Temp\3S-SmartSoftwareSolutionsSoftlicenses.c

    Ok, just to certify if I understood correctly :
    Can I simply copy the above .wbb file from developmentsystem computer and just paste it to the controller's computer ???

    Alternately, just to make things simplest:
    After succesfull removal of the invalid container, would suffice re-install "CODESYS Control Win 64" on the Controler's side (since it is the one where are wrong license ) ?


    Last edit: alrcastro 2020-04-19
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-04-20

    yes either copy the .wbb from Developmentsystem or use c:\ProgramFiles\3S CODESYS\GatewayPLC\3SLiencese_SmartBind.wbb on an standalone Control WIn Installation.

    and no - reinstall CODESYS will not solve to add a new empty softcontainer.



    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-04-20
  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-20

    reinstall CODESYS will not solve to add a new empty softcontainer.

    Sorry for insisting on this point, but I wanted understand exactly how things works on Codesys. I always prefer solutions by friendly interfaces, not manually...

    After complete removal of 'wrong' container with steps you told above, and by re-install ControlWin, I got the following status, which give indication that possibly was added an empty folder :


    Last edit: alrcastro 2020-04-20
  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-20

    So....why doesn't it suffice ?

    Please note that I'm asking this because whenever install Codesys runtime into a fresh system, by default it is created an empty container...


    Last edit: alrcastro 2020-04-20
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-04-20

    hm... seems like the setup checks if there already a container - codemeter is an own setup beside Control Win
    Let me check..

  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-04-20

    Just to give a feedback on this:

    By doing a re-install worked fine, a new (empty) container appeared at 'CodeMeter' viewer and the "License Manager" recognized it, being able to install there one license there; after all, 'CodeMeter' show up a valid license stored at this container.



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