What is the task configuration? When you are online and look at the task monitor, what does it show? (Put a screenshot here). If the processor is overloaded you'll likely need to increase the cycle interval, disable the watchdog, or change to a cyclic task instead of interval based? Also, You might want to adjust your task priorities so they don't all have the same priority.
Just a few thoughts, although looking at the task monitor would help in troubleshooting.
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I have had a project running for a few weeks and twice it has shut the program down due to this exception.
exception[ProcessorLoadWatchdog] occurred in: App=[all], Task[all]
I have to reboot (power cycle) the system to clear the exception. or remotely restart the application.
Any ideas?
more posts ...
Which plc is this - seems that the performance of this device is not enough.
You could check the plcload in the plcshell by 'plcload'
Its Running on a Weintek CMT HMI.
the program is not huge, just controlling a few pumps.
plc is at 1%
Last edit: Dave_T 2024-12-27
Same here. plcload in my case is about 7% while running.
Watchdog ENIPScannerIOTask was about 200ms. Max cycle around 6ms, normal cycle time 4ms.
Probably just increase the watchdog to 2000ms? or so...
(Hardware: A Panel from Weintek)
see attached
I don't have watchdog enabled in tasks?
Last edit: Dave_T 2024-12-27
which runtime version and dies this device has an realtime kernel?
The Weintek HMI Runs a dual core CPU.. one for the HMI and one "real time OS" for Running Codesys.
Any ideas?. Still stopping on this exception randomly every couple of weeks.
very frustrating.
What is the task configuration? When you are online and look at the task monitor, what does it show? (Put a screenshot here). If the processor is overloaded you'll likely need to increase the cycle interval, disable the watchdog, or change to a cyclic task instead of interval based? Also, You might want to adjust your task priorities so they don't all have the same priority.
Just a few thoughts, although looking at the task monitor would help in troubleshooting.
Deleting double post
Last edit: trusty-squire 5 hours ago