Ethernet/IP Scanner Exception

5 hours ago
  • Dave_T - 2024-11-16


    I have had a project running for a few weeks and twice it has shut the program down due to this exception.

    exception[ProcessorLoadWatchdog] occurred in: App=[all], Task[all]

    I have to reboot (power cycle) the system to clear the exception. or remotely restart the application.

    Any ideas?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-11-17

    Which plc is this - seems that the performance of this device is not enough.
    You could check the plcload in the plcshell by 'plcload'

    • Dave_T - 2024-12-27

      Its Running on a Weintek CMT HMI.
      the program is not huge, just controlling a few pumps.
      plc is at 1%


      Last edit: Dave_T 2024-12-27
  • aikapan - 2024-11-28

    Same here. plcload in my case is about 7% while running.
    Watchdog ENIPScannerIOTask was about 200ms. Max cycle around 6ms, normal cycle time 4ms.

    Probably just increase the watchdog to 2000ms? or so...

    (Hardware: A Panel from Weintek)

    • Dave_T - 2024-12-27

      see attached
      I don't have watchdog enabled in tasks?


      Last edit: Dave_T 2024-12-27
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-12-28

    which runtime version and dies this device has an realtime kernel?

  • Dave_T - 2024-12-28

    The Weintek HMI Runs a dual core CPU.. one for the HMI and one "real time OS" for Running Codesys.

  • Dave_T - 4 days ago

    Any ideas?. Still stopping on this exception randomly every couple of weeks.
    very frustrating.

  • trusty-squire - 5 hours ago

    What is the task configuration? When you are online and look at the task monitor, what does it show? (Put a screenshot here). If the processor is overloaded you'll likely need to increase the cycle interval, disable the watchdog, or change to a cyclic task instead of interval based? Also, You might want to adjust your task priorities so they don't all have the same priority.

    Just a few thoughts, although looking at the task monitor would help in troubleshooting.

  • trusty-squire - 5 hours ago

    Deleting double post


    Last edit: trusty-squire 5 hours ago

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