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Modbus Tcp with Codesys library

  • learnetk - 2016-01-28

    Hallo Everyone,
    Is there a Modbus Tcp library for Master & Slave which could be used instead of the Configuration Editor in the new CoDeSys3. I had used the library functions with CoDeSys2, but i cannot find one in the newer Version.
    And if some one has a short example that would be really great.

    Thanks and warm regards

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-01-29

    why not use the method and add the modbus to the configuration?


    IMG: Modb.jpg

  • learnetk - 2016-01-29

    Actually i found using the Library functions much better in CodeSys2. Allthough i use the Configuration in V3, but like to try out the library function aswell. Do we have a library function like the one available for V2.

    Thanks and warm regards


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