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    JAPIB - 2014-09-18

    I try example from "core_Visualization.chm" Change user Level.
    It works well with the English version

    But in French it does not work
    For the button "cancel" I use the "Annuler" (in french, as it is proposed).
    When compiling, I get the error message (in french) " C0004:"Annuler" n'est pas un composant de "VISU_DIALOGRESULT"" ("Annuler" is not a component of "VISU_DIALOGRESULT").
    I Use CODESY V3.5 SP5, this problem existed with previous versions.
    I think it's a translation problem in a library or something like that.

    Thank you in advance for your ideas

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-09-21

    in that case I would recommend to send an email to support,
    with the projectarchive and steps to repeat.



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