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How to read a sqlite log database? alarmlog or AC_DataLog

  • DavidBo - 2020-03-28

    I can read the alarmlog with sqlite3, but I don't understand the format and the meaning of the various tables. However, I think that the time is specified in milliseconds since January 1984.
    How can I make query which list the alarms formatted correctly?
    I assume I have a similar problem with AC_DataLog . It is of course fine that we can store values in a sqlite database, but it would be nice if we also could read these stored values.

    • DavidBo - 2020-03-28

      The timestamp used for alarm log is this:
      But I dont know how to convert it using sqlite3. It make it diffecult to do a query

  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2020-03-28


    Just want to add my two cents.
    I think reading back stored values from the AC_DataLog would be great!



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