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String equal

  • josepmariarams - 2016-09-10

    Hi all.

    There are two string:


    When we do:


    Str2 is copied on str1, or str2 points to the str2.

    Anyone knows?

    Enviat des del meu Aquaris M5.5 usant Tapatalk


    JAPIB - 2016-09-10

    I don't understand what is the meaning of "or str2 points to the str2".

    When you write :
    Str1 is copied into Str2.
    For example if str1 is 'Hello', Str2 will be 'Hello' too.
    := is an affectation, it is to say that the right part is tranfered in the left part.
    You can easily test it with siulation.

  • rickj - 2016-09-10

    As JAPIB says

    When you write :
    Str1 is copied into Str2

  • josepmariarams - 2016-09-12

    Thanks guys. I test it and you are true. After the equal, if the first string is modified the second does not change.

    Comming from Java and c the sintaxis is a little bit diferent

    Enviat des del meu Aquaris M5.5 usant Tapatalk


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