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type conversion from ANY_NUM to REAL don't work

  • mkrispin - 2020-04-09

    I would like to create a simple function to compare if a value is like Value in between or equal to two limits, similar to the standard comparism functions LE or GE

    In principal the function look like:
    OUT := (nIN >= nLo) And (nIN <= nHi)
    All input parameters nIN, nLo, nHi are declared as ANY_NUM

    nIN : ANY_NUM;
    nLO : ANY_NUM;
    nHI : ANY_NUM;

    BTWEQ := (nIN >= nLO) AND (nIN <= nHI);

    In Library Util is a FB LIMIT_ALARM which do that what I want, but is limited to Integer values. I would like to have the function generic for any numeric data type.
    I get always a failure like 'Cannot convert type SYSTEM.AnyType to type Any

    I don't get it what is wrong here.
    I tried to do a step between and wrote the Inputs explicit to local variables
    rIN : REAL;
    rLO : REAL;
    rHI : REAL;

    rIN := nIN;
    rLO := nLO;
    rHI := nHI;
    BTWEQ := (rIN >= rLO) AND (rIN <= rHI);

    even forced type conversion did not work
    rIN := TO_REAL(nIN);
    rLO := TO_REAL(nLO);
    rHI := TO_REAL(nHI);
    BTWEQ := (rIN >= rLO) AND (rIN <= rHI);

    It always end with the compiler error of fail to convert the type

    Does anyone have an idea what is wrong?
    Thank You and Best Regards

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-04-09

    So ANY_* gives you a special struct, see more here

  • mkrispin - 2020-04-10

    Hi i-campbell, thanks for your answer. I had checked that description of ANY, but it does not help me further.
    I thought when I write does anyone have an idea what is wrong do implicate that I look also for a solution.
    So, I will precise my question: How can I get the required function with any even combined number type (INT,WORD,REAL) to compare if a value is in between a range.

    • aliazzz

      aliazzz - 2020-04-14


      You can use CfUnit for that (ANY).
      It is open source so you take a look at the code too.



      Last edit: aliazzz 2020-04-14
  • Thomas - 2020-04-14

    Hey, the struct have a pointer and a value == >> see attachment

  • mkrispin - 2020-04-14

    Hi All,
    thank you very much for your help. I think I understand now how that works with the pointer .
    I'm wondering only because I have used ANY at other parts without any problem.
    Where I run now into a compiler error , I will implement the pointer solution, but is not a quick short code anymore :-(
    Best Regards


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