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FTP file missing

  • freedumz - 2016-06-15

    Hi everyone,

    Today I decided to use a new PLC (xc 202) , so I had to update it with a usb key to be able to use it on codesys 3, once the plc updated I received an error message which asked me to pass on version 3.5.7 so I updated it with the fireware option in codesys 3 by Ftp and when the installation was finished I couldn't reach my PLC anymore, I can find it by scanning my network but I don't see the ftp files (which is probably deleted) so this is why (I think) I can't reach it

    So if annyone has an idea,

    Many thanks in advance

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-06-15


    please ask the plc manufacturer for help/support.



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