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Data Source Manager with CODESYS Symbolic data source

  • kislov - 2021-03-19

    Hi. I wish to try use Data Source Manager with CODESYS Symbolic data source.
    I edit Device Description file of CODESYS Control Win V3 and add next lines:

      <ts:section name="datasources">
        <ts:setting name="supportedbydevice" type="boolean" access="visible">
        <ts:setting name="supportssymbolicdriver" type="boolean" access="visible">

    I save it, install in device repository and update device in my project.

    But i still can't choose CODESYS Symbolic in Data Source Manager.

    Have I made some mistake?


    Last edit: kislov 2021-03-19
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-03-20

    to do what?
    With 3.5SP17 release you add DataSource - and configure the OPC UA CLient that way.

  • kislov - 2021-03-20

    I need to read data from remote PLC with symbol configuration.
    About SP17/DataSource/OPC UA client - will i have to buy a some license to use this?

  • kislov - 2021-03-20

    Last edit: kislov 2021-03-20
  • TPTSys - 2021-03-22

    Here is the help page that describes how to set up a data source initially:

    • kislov - 2021-03-22


      "As the data source type, select CODESYS Symbolic."

      Please check screenshot from my first post and show me how can i choose CODESYS Symbolic.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-03-22

    Try with CODESYS HMI. Demo in the store.

    • kislov - 2021-03-22

      So it's only CODESYS HMI feature and I can't use it for plc-to-plc communication?

      • i-campbell

        i-campbell - 2021-03-22

        Yes, the CODESYS HMI is the only product in the CODESYS store which has the symbolic data sources feature and the license in its runtime. Maybe there is an OEM out there with this built in. I think the Data sources OPC UA Client is the way to go (as Edi mentioned).
        I do not know the licensing exactly, but I think it will need to buy a OPC UA Client SL.

        • kislov - 2021-03-23

          Thank you for info.


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