Delete PLC Log

  • necati - 2023-07-31

    There is no clear/delete button on attached log page. Is there any way to clear logs in the PLC?


  • damian177 - 2023-10-16

    You already know how clear log ?

    In codesys I am reading twenty Modbus TCP Devices. When several of those doesn't response , the logs is grovs very fast and my PLC hangs.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-10-16

    logger is a ringbuffer - means depends on your settings - how fast the files will be overwritten -
    but this should never lead to PLC hangs

  • bnewman - 2023-10-17

    I also would like to now how to clear the PLC Device Log.

    @eschwellinger are you saying there is no way to clear the log?

    When I am debugging I want to clear the log, it would make things some much easier to find.


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