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Codesys3.5 + VPN connection to Raspberry PI Runtime

  • dumpfbacke - 2021-03-14


    Have an Raspberry PI with Codesys RT.
    This Raspberry is also VPN Server.
    No i want to connect codesys 3,5 developement system by VPN to the Raspberry PI Codesys RT.

    Now i cant reach Raspberry PI Codesys RT over VPN. Connection is well possible within the local network.

    Is there basically additional software to connect by VPN, something like CODESYS Edge Gateway?
    What i am doing wrong?

    Thanks for any help


  • ojz0r - 2021-03-14

    Last spring i used Wireguard VPN to connect Codesys to the controller (RPi Zero) without any problems.

    • dumpfbacke - 2021-03-15


      so you didnt have to install any edge or automationserver things....?
      you did not to make any changings in communicationsettings to connect by VPN. So in your case no different between local net and VPN?

      • ojz0r - 2021-03-15

        Nothing special at all. Since the VPN is a tunnel to the local network you wont notice any difference, except the latency compared to being in the local network.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-03-15

    I think you have 3 options:
    1. Use your VPN with TCP/Blk driver -> just type your remote IP address in the right window in CODESYS.
    2. install the update - then you have the Gateway on the remote PI, then you could add a new Gateway with the VPN IP address and scan the plc via this remote Gateway
    3. If you use the Automation Server you will not need VPN at all - and from my point of view it is easier from handling and installation - and offer more features then just connecting by VPN

    But sure it is up to you to decide which solution you will use.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-03-15
    • dumpfbacke - 2021-03-15

      after updating RT to Option 1 and 2 is working no fine (see attached captures)

      i dont like option 3...its hard to handel for me one more account.....-)

      thanks, dumfpacke

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-03-15

    option 1 and 2 working or not?

    Option 3 do you need help to set it up? ;-)

    • dumpfbacke - 2021-03-15

      option 1 and 2 is NOW working fine (after updating RT to version

      for option 3 - if i need to use it - you posted some youtube tutorials πŸ‘



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