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CODESYS Control Not Showing Up in Devices

  • evicta - 2022-12-20

    I have a CODESYS project open and CODESYS Control Win V3 is running with "Start PLC" selected.

    Under Devices, if I click "Scan Network", nothing shows up under the Gateway. If I go to Device -> Filter network scans by Target ID (unchecked), then a Device pops up with the Target Name CODESYS Control Win V3 and a Device Address of 0301.A0AA. However, I can't connect to the Device.


    I tried following the above guide and it states that my Target ID is incorrect or the SysTargetOEM is not loaded correctly. How do I configure these?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-12-20

    just update the device to Control Win 64 in your Project ( update device in the device tree)

    • evicta - 2022-12-20


      I right clicked Device -> Update Device and clicked CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 -> Update Device.

      I'm still not able to select the device and click "OK" when I Scan Network.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-12-21

    we need a screenshot - devicetree and device -communication setting - online device

    • evicta - 2023-01-02

      Is this the correct screenshot needed?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-01-02 so... Developmentversion is the same in 64bit version?


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