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Download Missing Libraries failed, Apache server HTTPS protocol

  • samuelemaurizi - 2020-09-17

    I'm trying to set up a download server apache for my own libraries.
    I've added it in the options under "library download"
    I've added index files to the root path and all subdirectories containing info on directories and files.
    When I try to download a library from my apache server via the "Download Missing Libraries" button, the operation failed, and the error in the log file of apache is "AH00566: request failed: malformed request line". My apache server allows the use of the https protocol and is listening on port 443. If I try to use in a browser like Internet Explorer one of the "Downlad URL's" that are in the "Download Missing Libraries" window it works.
    What could be the reason of the problem?


    Last edit: samuelemaurizi 2020-09-22
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-22

    so you have the correct structure on server side...?
    The following file structure exists in this folder:

    *. compiled-library

  • samuelemaurizi - 2020-09-23

    yes, I think i have the correct structure on server side(see in the attachment file). Can you check in the attachment file if the "index file" is corrected? Alternatively, if this is also correct, how is composed the request on Codesys side?
    Knowing this can help me to find the error.


    Last edit: samuelemaurizi 2020-09-24

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