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Angular Rotation control by using CNC editor

  • Tahir - 2007-11-30


    I am using CNC editor for the motion (x,y & Z co-ordinates). Just after SMC_Interpolator i am using "SMC_TRAFO_Gantry3". Now i want

    get control on the anuglar motion of the spindle. I want to ask two questions

    1. what word should i use for angular movement like we use "X" word for X-axis movement , "Y" word for Y-axis movement and so on.

    2. what block should i use after "SMC_Interpolator" , so that i can control my angular movement as well


    Best regards


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2008-01-17


    you can take

    one of add axis commands:

    N2 G1 X0.01 Y0.01 Z0.01 P360 Q180 U120 V90 W60 F10 E10 E-10

    for example the letter P for the "P360Β°" then use the


    SMC_ControlAxisbyPos Fb and give as position input Interpolator.piSetPosition.dA1


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