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Motion MC_TouchProbe windowonly mode

  • shaunvdm - 2021-11-29


    for the life of me i can't get the MC_Touchprobe to work in a window mode.
    Without window it works 100% as expected with the internal tp of the drive.

    As soon as we execute the MC_Touchprobe with the WindowOnly true it tells me SMC_TP_COULDNT_SET_WINDOW.

    Does anyone know what is required to set this window. I am assuming it needs to be a modulo axis to TP to work.

    Kind Regards


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-12-04

    which drive is this?
    You need to check the documentation inside the motion library if this is supported on your device.

    • shaunvdm - 2021-12-05

      Hi Edwin

      It is a Lenze i700 servo drive, built some code taking the cyclic rate and cyclic rate of the machine into consideration and got it working with a software window in normal logic that uses normal tp trigger block without window active.

      The window mode seems to not be supported on this inverter.

      Thank you for the answer.


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