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Strange behavior of SMC_SetSoftwareLimist

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-04-05

    It is usually not our habit to use softmotion and PLCOpen, due our motion implementation.
    However, a customer asked us for an application with these tools.

    We came across a strange behavior of the SMC_SetSoftwareLimist FB.

    In 5 out of 6 instances of our axis it works, in one looking at the set parameters in the watch everything seems ok, positive limit at 1760 and negative limit at -415.5.
    However when we reach -375.5 we fall into negative limit error.
    The very strange thing is that all the other axes are instances of the same FB and are working correctly.
    Another strange thing is that in the watch of the SoftMotion device, limit is -415.5 with the enable to TRUE.
    The SMC_SetSoftwareLimist FB gives a positive result and correctly sets the limits.
    I can't get over what is happening.
    Setting the limit to -600.0 makes the machine work perfectly, but it doesn't make any sense.

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-04-06

    Sorry all axes have this problem. SoftMotion is V4.6.10

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-04-06

    The problem is also in positive direction!
    1 - We setted limits with SMC_SetSoftwareLimits after homing is done.
    2 - FB return bDone and no errors.
    3 - We see in Watch limits are right!
    4 - We move in MC_MoveAbsolute to SWLimit.
    5 - We fall in SMC_DI_SWLIMITS_EXCEEDED many mm before limit!!!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-04-06

    please use: store.codesys.com - my question 'bug report' and add your project/projectarchive and a description how to reproduce it.
    That's the way it will be solved ;-)


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