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Softmotion trinamic pd-86-1080 CANOpen

  • daanb - 2020-09-30

    Good day,

    I'm having trouble getting my Trinamic pd-86-1080 to work with CANOpen and SoftMotion. I am using the PiXtend v2 L PLC and I'm 100% sure its set up correctly for CAN.
    CANOpen is new to me but I have spent a few days reading up on it.
    I got so far to add a CANOpen manager, the EDS config and a SoftMotion CIA 402 Axis.
    Now the CAN bus does communicate with my motor but it gives a few errors during the SDO communication. But after that it says the node is operational.

    I have not been able to do anything with the motor at all. I followed the SoftMotion examples in the help section to try and move it or even enable it but to no avail.
    Can anyone help me get this motor working with SoftMotion? I have attached the EDS file.
    Any help is appreciated.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-30

    you need to add the project.. to check not sure if this works with the generic DS402 driver.

    • daanb - 2020-10-01

      Here's the project file.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-10-01

    Hi Daan,
    you need to enable sync producing in the CANOpen Manager - disable heartbeat.
    Additional add Cycle Period 4000us and change your MainTask cycle to 4000us.

    This is what is needed for Softmotion as precondition.
    The Pi should be realtime capable.

    If you just need point to point movement you could give SoftMotion light a try.



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