SM Drive license error

  • albert1999 - 2022-04-10

    I am trying to use my servo and servo amplifier from raspberry PI. I use Codesys for raspberry and Ethercat as my communication fieldbus. Servo amplifier is Estun Pronet and servo drive is Estun EMJ-02-ASA22. It applies CiA402 profile.
    I have made device configuration in my project, Ethercat communication is running, but I get error in the status of drive saying "There is a configuration error" and sometimes after a few seconds "The license is missing or invalid. The PLC runs in demo mode". What should I do with it? I also need to say that it's my first time work with SoftMotion so I dont know much about it.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-04-17
    • do not execute PLC_PRG from two tasks (only Ethercat if the motion fb's are called in PLC_PRG
    • license is needed otherwise it will run for 30minutes
    • check the plclog for the error
  • forest - 2022-08-29

    Hi, did you solve this thing with license? I have similar issue with modbus tcp slave... I installed license for library but same again.

  • toby - 2024-01-10

    Hi albert1999 and forest, I hope you are well.

    I too am wondering if you have found any solutions? Im working with a RPi and a Omron R88D-ETH servo amplifier. The SoftMotion is timing out after 30min without the license, but I cant figure out how to license it, and I seem to have some compatibility issues between my RPi license and any SoftMotion licenses. Did you guys have any luck?

    Thank you very much for any assistance offered.

    • Toby
  • forest - 2024-01-10

    Hi, when it comes about license, I used INVTmatic Studio, which uses Codesys, for programming INVT plc. I bought Codesys Modbus license, it was not expensive, and then realised that INVT didn't have License Manager option (greyed out in program) which is needed for using of Codesys License.
    I contacted support from INVT, but developers told me that option is still not available. So depending on environment for programming Codesys, you can or not use Modbus license.

    Good thing about this version of Modbus TCP it works both direction. I could send commands and receive feedbacks from drive. But communication stops after 30 mins.

    So I used simple version of ethernet modbus which is somewhere in INVT or Condesys library (I can check tomorrow) which works only one way. I could send cmd to drive, and control it, but didn't have any feedback, like some readings back in PLC. which is bad, but at least I could start it and it didn't fail after 30 mins.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-01-10

    goto the licensing metrix tab in CODESYS an check which license ...or send us a screenshot of it here


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