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The A/B/C axis problem of CNC interpolator in 6DOF robot

  • burb - 2022-09-12

    Hello everyone, I have a problem when I used the CNC interpolator to move the A/B/C axis of 6DOF robot.

    When I set the A/B/C axis(SMC_NCInterpreter.eOriConv:= SMC_ORI_CONVENTION.ZYX) in G-code, the SMC_Interpolator.piSetPosition return me a large dA and dC, what's happened in the SMC_Interpolator FB?

    My G-code as follow:
    N000 G01 X420 Y0 Z445 A180 B180 C180 F1000
    N005 G02 X420 Y167 Z445 I-25 J80
    N010 G01 X500 Y0 Z445 A135 B180 C180
    N015 G02 X500 Y0 Z445 I100 J0
    N025 G03 X500 Y-155 Z445 I-30 J-80
    N030 G91
    N035 G01 Z50
    N040 G90 F50
    N040 G01 X420 Y0 Z500

    And I have catched the picture of piSetPosition dA/dC value in the attachments named "Set ABC.jpg". The dA/dC up to 5000deg.

    If I just set the A/B/C in G00, the robot seems to be worked well.
    N000 G00 X420 Y0 Z445 A180 B180 C180 F1000
    N005 G02 X420 Y167 Z445 I-25 J80
    N010 G01 X500 Y0 Z445
    N015 G02 X500 Y0 Z445 I100 J0
    N025 G03 X500 Y-155 Z445 I-30 J-80
    N030 G91
    N035 G01 Z50
    N040 G90 F50
    N040 G01 X420 Y0 Z500

    but the SMC_Interpolator.piSetPosition still return me a large dA and dC, I have catched the picture in Attachments named "do not set ABC in G01.jpg"

  • burb - 2022-09-12

    Thanks for any answers and suggestions.


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