tracking out product

  • josephbourgeois - 2024-02-05

    Hi everyone!

    I synchronize the operation of the tripod and the conveyor.
    I have a problem with the product tracking algorithm on the conveyor (PCS_1).
    Sometimes I need to stop tracking a product on command without completing the operation.
    I do this using MC_GroupStop.
    But when I need to start moving in WCS again (using fb movelinearabsolute), I get a tripod kinematics error - SMC_CP_INVALID_ORIENTATION (Invalid orientation (non-orthonormal matrix or non-unit quaternion, internal error)).
    MC_ResetGroup does not help.
    What could be the problem? Has anyone encountered this?

  • tk096 - 2024-02-07


    do you use a self-built custom kinematics or a kinematics that is shipped with the Softmotion package?


    Last edit: tk096 2024-02-07

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