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2022-12-09 08:00:24


  • Project Logo SM3RaspiStepper SoftMotion-Drive for StepperMotor with a Raspberry Pi Last Updated:

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  • Modified a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work). In...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work). In...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, dwIpoTime should be set to the cycle time of your motion task. It defines the interpolation interval of the interpolator. E.g. in the attached screenshot, the task has a task interval of 4ms. The dwIpoTime input of the interpolator should be set to 4000.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, I suppose that you are referring to the error code "SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION"? Starting of Softmotion version the instance path of the function block that has not been called is logged into the device log. This might help you to identify why it has not been called.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, can you post a screenshot of your drive configuration?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, a few suggestions on how to tackle the problem: - it might help to increase the cycle time of the ethercat task - increase the value of the ethercat parameter DCInSyncWindow ( (see attached image) - enable FrameAtTaskStart ( in the ethercat master (see attached image) - if the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, under this circumstances the performance of a Raspberry Pi 4 should be sufficient to run a Softmotion robotics application. A closer look at the project would be required. Maybe you could contact the codesys support? Usually it is recommended to run the planning task cyclically every 2ms with task priority of 0 on a dedicated core. In the task configuration you can have a look at the average and maximum execution time of the planning task. You could use the function block SMC_TuneCPKernel (

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, under this circumstances the performance of a Raspberry Pi 4 should be sufficient to run a Softmotion robotics application. A closer look at the project would be required. Maybe you could contact the codesys support? Usually it is recommended to run the planning task cyclically every 2ms with task priority of 0 on a dedicated core. In the task configuration you can have a look at the average and maximum execution time of the planning task. You could use the function block SMC_TuneCPKernel (

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