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Softmotion SL Licensing not working on Boot but manual restart under update Linux works

  • shaunvdm - 2022-01-07

    Hi All,

    We have a fault where we get a Softmotion Basic license missing only on boot of the controller. We are using Linux SL, Softmotion SL with a USB key dongle. If we go to license manager it sees all the licenses including the Softmotion SL. To fix the error we simply stop and start under the Update Linux configuration.

    Under Update Linux after reboot we read PLC info, it shows missing softmotion basic license only after reboot. After doing Stop and Start no errors.

    What could we do to fix the error on Boot?

    Please let me know.

    Kind Regards


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-08

    could you show us the plclogger after reboot and missing license?


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