Downgrading Runtime Version

  • lefish - 2021-05-21


    first of all, I am coming from a working version (CodeSys Dev 3.5.16SP20 with RPi Runtime Version 4.0.1)

    After having troubles with the OPC UA Server (BadConnection in UAExpert - running without encryption, Anonymous login enabled) I would like to revert back to runtime 4.0.1 and see if it is getting any better again...

    Therefore I uninstalled Packages 4.1.0 (Runtime and Edge Gateway for Linux) and installed 4.0.1 in CodeSys package manager.

    I also downgraded runtime version on RPi.

    Now, I I try to connect the following error occurs:

    How do I select 4.0.1 target system?



    Last edit: lefish 2021-05-21
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-05-21

    rightclick in the CODESYS device tree in your project -> Update device (show all versions should be enbaled) -> downgrad to


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