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Multiple i2c port settings

  • mark0328 - 2022-09-19

    Currently we can configure up to 2 port for i2c.
    Could you teach us how to set 3 port i2c?
    Runtime : CODESYS conterol for Raspberry Pi MC SL

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-09-21

    from CODESYS side you have two possibilities:
    1. either change the device desciption of the PI MC device - allow more than 2 I2C
    2. or use the I2C which some other user use on Beaglebone from here:


    Sure on Pi OS side you need probably changes too to have 3 x I2C available or do you have this up and running already?


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-09-21
  • mark0328 - 2022-09-21

    Yes, I could set and run x3 i2c using belowdevice.xml in our system.
    GenericI2CMaster_pci.devdesc.xml [2.42 KiB]
    Thank you!


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