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License Manager

  • markyyboy - 2020-09-23


    I have a license that I am trying to add. But when I use License Manager, it takes me to select device and cannot find my device.. I have tried scanning my network but nothing pops up... Could it be that I do not have a soft container? Please help...

  • markyyboy - 2020-09-23

    This is my issue. I can communicate with my device and run my code. But I can't seem to scan and find it on the "Select Device" popup.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-23

    seems that the scan does not work dues blocked broadcasts..
    I would install the EdgeGateway ( armhf) to your Pi,
    then add the Gateway to CODESYS which is running on our PI and scan via this new added Gateway the PI.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-09-23
    • markyyboy - 2020-09-23

      Sorry, might sound like a dumb question.. But how do I install it onto my Pi?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-23

    after installing the package (restart CODESYS) then you have an additional command 'update Edge Gateway'
    like you are used to deploy the PI runtime you could deploy the Edge Gateway with this command...

    • markyyboy - 2020-09-23

      I have done all that but can no longer connect to my target(Pi)... any ideas on what could have happened to cause this?

      I get an error every time I start RunTime and try connect to Pi.


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