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Raspberry jammed (infinite loop) - how to stop

  • juhataipale - 2016-05-08

    I am a newbie with Structure Text and something happened during my testing.
    I was doing a WHILE loop and my best guess is that I created an infinite loop and my raspberry is now messed up...
    After downloading the program and RUN -> I got response that there is no connection.

    I am not able to establish a connection between codesys (my computer) and raspberry via "gateway".
    Ping is going through anyway and I can access PI with SSH.

    So how can I stop the program, or can I just delete the program somehow...

    Just to add, before this everything worked always OK.
    I tried to access the files now via FileZilla FTP, but can not connect. Don't know if this is related problem or not.



  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-05-09


    I would recommend to Login by ssh (use putty for this).
    then execute:

    sudo -s
    rm /root/app*

    (this removes the boot application)

    then a restart of the plc is needed

    sudo service codesyscontrol stop
    sudo service codesyscontrol start


  • juhataipale - 2016-05-09

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    I would recommend to Login by ssh (use putty for this).
    then execute:
    sudo -s
    rm /root/app*
    (this removes the boot application)
    then a restart of the plc is needed
    sudo service codesyscontrol stop
    sudo service codesyscontrol start

    Thank you Edwin,

    Tried the commands above, but "No such file"...

    root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# rm /root/app
    rm: cannot remove β€˜/root/app
    ’: No such file or directory

    "app*" I need to replace with my application name or just type like that?

    //EDIT: Okay, got it running when realize the application name was the default "Application.app" not my project name...

    Another thing I realized now is that it is still not possible to connect from codesys to Pi by IP-address, but only with that "target name" = [0001.A067].
    Beside that got it working again, THANK YOU!



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