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Modbus RTU (serial port) does not work with new kernel version

  • suibaf - 2016-08-07


    I have 2 raspberry Pi 2. On the first there si raspbian 4.1.19 - V7 + #858 and the last Codesis runtime All work fine also communication with Modbus RTU with ttyAMA0.

    The second Raspberry Pi 2 has 4.4.13 -V7+ #888 kernel, last Codesys runtime Same CODESYSControl.cfg file, same app. The Modbus RTU communication start, the slave answer and then stop to work. For test I tryed also a python library: minimalmodbus: same behavior. The communication start and then stop.

    Second your opinion, what is the problem with seriali port in the last Raspbian kernel? Is there addition configuration for serial port?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-08-08

    you need to check if the devices are available under /dev/ttyAMA0
    if you see them there, I could not really imagine what elso should fail then.
    Are you using udev ?
    If yes you Need to check: /etc/udev/rules.d/serial-symlinks.rules


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-08-08

    yes sounds like this is your problem

    could you check how the OS register your device Login by ssh and type:

    dmesg | grep -i tty

    and as i understand you could give /dev/serial0 a try


  • suibaf - 2016-08-08

    Hi Edwin,

    I solved:

    http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/qu ... -on-my-pi3

    in particolar:

    You may also need to disable the serial console. The easiest way to do this is via raspi-config under Advanced Options -> Enable/Disable shell and kernel messages on the serial connection.
    If you don't have raspi-config, it doesn't work, and/or you want to double check, first look in /boot/cmdline.txt. If you see:
    Or anything involving console= that isn't console=tty1, remove it. Make sure not to accidentally add a line break to that file, it should remain all one line with spaces between the options, but no spaces around any =.
    The other aspect is the login started by the init system. On Raspbian jessie, check:
    ls /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants
    If you see that serial device node (ttyS0) mentioned, disable this service:
    systemctl disable e serial-getty@ttyS0.service e
    You will have to reboot for these things to take effect.

    I don't know what I done, but it work!


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