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Start *.exe through PLC progem

  • kumareasu - 2024-04-16

    I want to start an application in Windows 10 environment from Windows RTE. How to do ?

  • wollvieh

    wollvieh - 2024-04-16

    Look for sysprocess lib.

  • kumareasu - 2024-04-17

    SysProcessExecuteCommand(pszComand:='start C:\Program Files\SharedMemory\SharedMemory.exe',pResult := ADR(Result));

    the above statement hangs the PLC until I do cold reset

  • kumareasu - 2024-04-17

    SysProcessExecuteCommand(pszComand:='start C:\Program Files\SharedMemory\SharedMemory.exe',pResult := ADR(Result));

    the above statement hangs the PLC until I do cold reset


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