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Small Application deployment tool

  • magnusstril - 2021-04-21

    Is there a small software which can be used to deploy applications to a device? E.g.If I send updated applications to customers can they upload it to their local PLC with a tool less complex than the whole codesys development platform? Or is this thinking outdated and this is now managed in the automation server?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-04-25

    really CODESYS V2.3?
    On CODESYS V3 you could deploy the plc's with the CODESYS Automation Server.

  • magnusstril - 2021-04-25

    It's Codesys 3.5
    If I have 10 different clients running their own instance of a system can they each manage it themselves over Automation Server if I make new softwares available?. There is no small codesys_sw_loader.exe which I can send to the client along with the software so they can upgrade themselves locally? E.g in a situation where the system is running without Internet connectivity.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-04-25

    no, which plc's are you using?

  • magnusstril - 2021-04-27

    I'm currently developing a proof of concept system using RaspberryPi with Pixtend. And now I realize I don't understand how the end users of the system is supposed to load the sw updates.
    For embedded systems, which I'm used to, there is commonly a small tool allowing end users to update the software without having to install a complete developer environment. Or at times some helpers to allow upgrade from within the application itself (like a http upload, or tftp transfer).


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