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Raspberry license Restoure

  • mascara - 2023-08-07


    I bought a license for Raspberry in 2018.

    That raspberry has sat still ever since. Now I need to use this raspberry in an application.
    I changed the memory card and am trying to restore the license without success.
    At the time I had the same problem when I changed my memory card, remote access was needed to remove some name from the raspberry.

    The Raspberry is the same, just a new memory card.

    I have already performed the restore procedures without success:

    Does anyone have any information that might help with restoring the license?

  • lefish - 2023-08-08

    Hi there,

    I cannot help, but I am having the same problem on a very recently activated license: https://forge.codesys.com/forge/talk/Runtime/thread/8c99d6a84f/#70f5

    • lefish - 2023-08-08

      I got a new ticket id from the support and it worked flawlessly with the new ticket id.


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