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ADS1115 values are lost after reboot

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-05-11

    does setting from application work?

  • pit514 - 2023-05-12

    thank you very much for your answer. This may be a weird question, but where do I look for it? I don't use CODESYS on a daily basis. I'm just doing a only small automation project on home and I don't have experience with it.

  • pit514 - 2023-05-19

    Could someone help me? It seems that the solution is given, the only question is where to find it...
    @eschwellinger ?
    or anyone?

  • pit514 - 2023-05-21

    I have a screen like this. Where should I set it? I can't find a window similar to the one in the previous post anywhere.


    Last edit: pit514 2023-05-21
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-05-21

    add a pou - 'structured text' and call it in your task

  • pit514 - 2023-05-21

    Thank you very much!
    Project->Add object->Action - this is how I created POUs in which I added as in the attachment. Now I have what I needed.
    I wasn't aware of these possibilities. Thank you very much for help.
    We can close this topic.


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