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SL Licence installed on the wrong place

  • pruwetbe - 2020-10-04

    I bought the HVAC library Licence 2 weeks ago and as it was my first Licence installing, follow the instructions and succeed.
    I discovered this weekend that this licence should be installed on the target rather than on the workstation.

    I searched on the help file (https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_installing_license;product=codesys) but did not find any explanation about how to move a licence from a target to another without using a dongle.

    I hope there is a way to solve this problem and put this licence on a dongle to be able to use it on my Rpi.

    Thank you for your help.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-10-05

    please write to the CODESYS Store - my question - bug report to move the license.

  • pruwetbe - 2020-10-05

    Thanks Edwin,
    I will do that.


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