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raspberry capabilities with Codesys

  • dvincent - 2020-10-01

    I'm newbie in the Codesys world , I've in mind a project and I would like to know if the project is possible.
    With my pi I want to drive 8 motors through Ethercat every 5ms.
    I need to have 2 UDP port (eth) and a wifi udp to communicate with my computer, I would like to add an tiny 2"5 screen (I2C or SPI) to show some information .
    Do you think this project is feasible ?
    I've a pi 4 and the last codesys software.
    Thanks for your help.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-10-02

    we've moved the topic to - CODESYS V3 Runtime.

    Welcome to the CODESYS community.

    Sure from performance view PI4 will work for this.
    For EtherCAT and SoftMotion you will need a realtime patched Linux kernel ( for using distributed clocks which is mandatory for SoftMotion) - I would recommend to use Raspberry PI MC (Multicore)

    You need to think about if this is a 'industrial enough' solution but this depends on your requirements.

    According the display:
    A really good option is the 7" Raspberry PI original multitouch capable display. (https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-touch-display/)
    This works out of the box and I guess not really much more expensive than if you go with a 2,5" SPI Display. ( Sure it cost more but you could use it as full screen web visualisation , which look and feels like a full HMI)
    Which EtherCAT drive would you chose?



    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-10-02
  • dvincent - 2020-10-02

    Hi eschwellinger,
    Thanks for the tips.
    I don't know which driver I will use, I'm still looking around all the details to see if the project is feasible.
    I wonder if there is a way to use the CANOPEN with the pi , I've some driver with CanOpen capabilities.
    Like this I can make my prog with CanOpen at first goal.
    Is it possible to have an embedded WebServer with Codesys ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-10-02

    EtherCAT is a lot easier to do on Pi.
    Webserver ist by Default available in all 'Single license' SL products from CODESYS Store.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-10-02
  • dvincent - 2020-10-02

    I've allready a system with CanOpen , so It will be easier to test.
    There is lot of board with mcp2551 for raspberry


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