PNIO Connect Parameter Error

  • pat-nt - 2020-10-07

    I am trying to make a Profinet Connection between a RasPi 4 with Codesys Control and a Profinet/Profisafe-Slave.
    The Raspberry Pi is used as the PN-Controller.
    Now i have the Problem that when I try to start the application the PNIO status of the slave shows me:
    DB810208 Connect Parameter Error.
    Does anyone know how to fix this ?

    Thanks for any advice.

    Best regards,

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-10-07

    Hi Patrick,
    could you add the plc logger.. to see a bit more?

  • pat-nt - 2020-10-08

    Hi Edwin,
    thank you for looking into my problem.
    In the attachments is the log of the plc.
    (cve is the name of the slave)

    Best regards,


    Last edit: pat-nt 2020-10-08
  • gabor-n - 2024-10-08

    I have the same issue, but with 2 Raspberry Pi3b+ in connection with Profinet.
    Has it been solved yet?
    Thank You all!

  • gabor-n - 2024-10-08

    Last edit: gabor-n 2024-10-08
  • nano - 2024-10-10

    please post your codesyscontrol.cfg and codesyscontrol_user.cfg

    in most cases there are misconfigs or missing entrys the reason.

    also the fact that in most cases codesys isnt running as rt-application on raspberry needs special eyes on

  • gabor-n - 2024-10-11

    It's a bit confusing, the two RPI is the same (board, OS, runtime, programing with Codesys V3.5 SP20 P2) but the one has a codesyscontrol.cfg file and the other has a codesyscontrol_user.cfg file. Shouldn't be the same? And because I over Codesys 3.5 SP 12 this would be the '_user.cfg' for both. Attached...


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