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  • PhilipLykov - 2015-11-17

    Will the Codesys runtime environment properly shutdown and save all retain variables when Raspberry PI shuts down by 'shutdown --halt' command?
    And more general question: does the Codesys on Raspberry PI honor retain variables and where does it save them?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-11-18

    you need a graceful shutdown of the Linux OS only then the Retain file is saved by the plc runtime.
    So the only possibility to have reliable retains to use an UPS -Uninterruptible power supply which
    Triggers then a shutdown of the Linux system.

    the retains file will be saved to /root/ in case your Applcation is named Application you will find there Application.ret


  • PhilipLykov - 2015-11-18

    Edwin, thank you for assistance. Now I'm working on UPS PIco integration with Codesys. So my Raspberry PI has UPS.


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