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MCP23S17 performance

  • mark0328 - 2021-05-21


    We' d like to use MCP23S17 for High frequency pulse input ex. 1kHz.
    But performance is NG, max.10-20Hz now.
    How can we solve it?



  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-05-21

    I would suggest to check SPI speed,
    I assume you use 1 ms to work with the values (the task which are working with the IO's in CODESYS - maybe a tried is to do > 1ms - but not sure if this works?
    Additional you need to set the CPU speed of the Cores to a fix value,
    because by default they are floating and this influences the SPI speed to - this had
    reported another user I think here in the forum/talk


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