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EtherCAT error on Raspberry Pi 2

  • lnsundh - 2015-11-10

    I successfully ran a number of Codesys examples on my Raspberry Pi 2 with the Emlid image. Now I tried to incorporate the EtherCAT example with my LinMot C1250-EC-XC-0S driver but I get warnings as a run the application on the Rpi. I use the Ethernet port on the Rpi for EtherCAT and a wifi dongle for downloading my software from Codesys.

    When I run the application I get a warning and that EtherCAT is not running and "Configuration error" on the drive.

    I imorted the EtherCAT slave from LinMot Talk's folder of interfaces. I attached the xml file for more info.

    As I was instructed by the seller of the motors it should have just worked with "Automatic mapping" on the drive. Do I need to make a manual PDO assignment for it work? If this is the case, how do I found out how to map them from LinMot Talk where I can see Control Word, Status Word etc..? I added a screenshot from LinMot Talk aswell. Note that I can run the my LinMot linear motor from LinMot Talk without problem so that is working.

    I am very thankful for any help I can get.

    IMG: Screenshot (6).png

    IMG: Screenshot (5).png

    NTIL_CiA402_Servos_V1_7.zip [29.15 KiB]

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-11-10


    in first scrennshot you see the problem why it does not bring the slave operational.
    (This is was the plc logger would say too)
    'Product ID does not match'

    You could disable the check (workaround), obviously your installed ESi does not real fit to the firmware of the linmot drive?
    (the scanned product ID is different from the one you've added to the configuration)
    Better use the correct combination ESI file to connected drive.


    IMG: CheckProductID.jpg

  • lnsundh - 2015-11-16

    Thanks for the quick reply! EtherCAT runs when I uncheck "Check Product ID". I am not sure if the rest works yet the whole way yet but I will try to get hold of the right drive. Do you know how to make sure that all PDO assignments are right? I am a fresh newbie on Codesys..

  • lnsundh - 2015-11-25

    It worked fine by unchecking the Product ID. The rest of the application serves as expected.


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