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Speed of TASK - EVENT (CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL)

  • khar - 2021-09-04


    Anyone knows how fast Task-Event gets updated? I understand this is like an "interruption". This is for CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL. I know that for some PLCs this task is update very bus cycle but not sure for the Raspberry. I want to know how fast this is scanned since I have another micro that could trigger an interruption in less than 10us, which I find difficult the RASPI will detect. Thank you.

  • Ingo

    Ingo - 2021-09-04


    Those events are scanned in the Scheduler interval, which is by default 1ms on most systems. But those events are not useful for fast reactions.

    Some systems provide so called "external events". Those can be better compared with " interrupt handlers". But the raspi has no support for that.

    Your only chance is a quick cyclic task, in which you execute your code.


  • khar - 2021-09-06

    hi @ingo,

    Thanks for your reply. I had a hunch that the scheduler task was going to be slow. The min cycle time on the raspi using codesys is 50us, it is "fast" but not fast enough. I will try other methods. Thanks again.



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