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Cannot activate OPCUA Server SL license. License shows installed but quantity zero.

  • janderson - 2023-07-05

    I'm running raspian lite 64 bit on a pi and have successfully licenses the runtime and ethercat master through a codemeter usb key but I cannot get OPCUA server SL to work.

    The license quantity is zero when looking in the codemeter key and the opcua server shuts down after two hours.

    I have tried two licenses, one in the codemeter key and one in the softcontainer on the pi. They show installed but they do work, each has zero quantity for license. I also hit error 403046401 during license install.

  • janderson - 2023-07-05

    using linuxARM 64 bit runtime

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-07-06

    please write to 'my question' in the CODESYS store -


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